Beavis the Cat

Beavis the Cat

Beavis* was born in a dumpster and found by a neighbor who happened to be a veterinary student at a local university. Just days old, Beavis moved in with our neighbor who bottle fed him while he looked for a good home for his latest “house guest”. Once Beavis was weaned off his formula and eating solid food, he moved in with us and became our pet.

Age: 8 years old
Sex: Male (neutered)
Type: Domestic Short Hair (DSH)
Height: “I touch the doorknobs when on my hind legs”
Weight: A robust 17.5 pounds
Fur: Black, shiny, and everywhere (now)
Likes: Paper, flashlights, and string
Dislikes: Vets, catnip, and cat toys
Fears: Kittens and the outdoors
Hobbies: Sleeping, grooming, and stealthily attacking legs
Fun Fact: “I know I’m a dog but the humans say I’m a cat”

*Beavis is the original name given to our cat by our neighbor’s sons. His name was changed when we adopted him, but as anyone who’s dealt with a cat crazy with allergies knows, Beavis is probably a more fitting name. We use it here to “protect his identity” 🙂

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